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Hi, Before you click that upload button …

First of all, before you upload a recipe file to foodiemoiety.com you must have subscribed to our newsletter so that we have a valid email address we can use to contact you about publishing your recipe. If you are not already subscribed to the newsletter then head on down to the footer of this page, enter your email and hit the subscribe button. We’ll send you a confirmation email and you will have to enter the code in that email into a dialog box so that we can cofirm your email address. The newsletter is only sent out periodically to inform you of new content on foodiemoiety.com or with news about the foodie moiety windows app. We won’t share your email address with anyone for any reason. If you submit recipe(s) with an email then be sure to contact us if your email changes. If we need to contact you at the email you provided concerning the publishing of a recipe and can’t contact you at the email you provided, your email will be removed from the list and depending on the nature of the issue your recipe may be removed from the site.

Thanks for your interest in uploading your foodie moiety recipe to foodiemoiety.com. We appreciate recipe submissions because it adds to our app user’s list of ready made recipes to choose from. We want to make sure that recipes posted on foodiemoiety.com offer a great experience for our users. We’re not trying to publish only recipes we create ourselves. We’re hoping our users will publish their creations here too (or elsewhere if they choose). If you make the effort and provide a few recipes, you can request to become and author and start publishing your recipes under your author name and even sell foodie moiety books on foodiemoiety.com.

The foodie moiety app is a pretty flexible tool so we have compiled a list of guidelines to help you craft a recipe that we think our users will appreciate. Following the guidelines is a good idea for any recipe you develop with foodie moiety, but its especially important to follow them when submitting your recipe to foodiemoiety.com for publishing. No worries, we’re on your side and are happy to work with you to get your recipe published here so if your recipe is missing something important we’ll contact you with our thoughts at the email you provided and you can resubmit if you would like to.


  1. When using images keep the focal point of your image to the left so that the default ingredients and directions panes don’t obscure what you are trying to show. By default when you navigate to a step the ingredients and directions panes take up half of the width of the app window. They can be hidden of course but we prefer that the focal point of the image be visible to the left of the panes when they are visible. An image with a focal point that is close up and takes up the full width of the window usually works fine.

Good …

Bad …

  1. Use video efficiently. Video can be an excellent way to demonstrate a process that is not easily shown with an image or described with words and we encourage its use, but our focus on foodiemoiety.com is to present recipes that make for an efficient use of your time in the kitchen. So when submitting recipes here keep your videos short. They should be only long enough to describe what you are trying to accomplish. That way your users are not wasting time watching superfluous video and the recipe file size remains reasonable. A short video on the first step where you are introducting the recipe can be nice too. Maybe you just want to spend half a minute or so introducing the recipe and talking about why you like it and what makes it work.

  2. File size limit: 150 mb. Video file sizes can get large quickly so its important to adhere to step 2! Also, pay attention to your image file sizes. When importing an image into a recipe in foodie moiety you can adjust the image quality to try and save on file size or you can adjust the quality outside of foodie moiety before importing. Just make sure you have image files that are as small as possible without sacrificing quality.

  3. Use Markdown! Plain text is fine but formatted text including bullet points for ingredients make a better presentation. Read through the cheat sheet when entering markdown and take advantage of the options you have. One option that will be sure to get our attention is if you include a moiety saving link. Foodie moiety makes it easy to re-use collections of steps. If your recipe has a collection of steps that could be re-used in another recipe then providing the save link makes it easy for your users to save that range of steps as a moiety. A user can also select the range and save as a moiety manually but the link is a nice touch …

[save moiety text](firstStep#-lastStep#)
eg. [save sauce steps as moiety](3-5) … clicking on that link would save steps 3 thru 5 as a moiety.

  1. Use context appropriate images. Not every step needs an image, sometimes words are more than enough to get your point across and we provide a default image if you choose not to include one on a given step. But generally speaking its better to provide an image on your step that is contextually useful and visually appealing.

  2. Show all ingredients on step 0! In foodie moiety step numbers begin with 0 deliberately because we want to encourage users to show a full list of ingredients and introduction of the recipe on step 0 before getting into the instruction for the recipe on subsequent steps. Step 0 is also a good place to do a quick introductory video if you like.

  3. Keep steps relatively simple. If the user has to scroll the ingredients or directions panes in order to read all of the content then you probably have a step that’s too complicated. Consider breaking down your recipe into more steps and keeping the instructions shorter per step.

  4. Include the relevant ingredients on every step! On step 0 you should list ALL of the ingredients for the recipe, but subsequent steps should list the ingredients necessary to complete that step so that the user does not have to navigate back to step 0 in order to see what ingredients are neccessary.

  5. Try to be unique. Take a look at foodiemoiety.com to see if there is already a published recipe that is similar to yours. At some point similar recipes will be published, that just makes sense considering our step re-use functionality. But as we build out our recipe catalogue we want to avoid duplicates until we have a nice selection to choose from.

  6. Do your own work. This may be the most important guideline of all. Don’t take images, directions, and videos off the internet and piece them together into a foodie moiety recipe for publishing on foodiemoiety.com. That can be a great approach if you want to get a recipe into foodie moiety for your own use, but if you are publishing on foodiemoiety.com we want to make sure we’re not just stealing other people’s work. Don’t be overly strict about it. Everybody gets inspiration from somewhere. If part of your recipe is inspired by something you saw somewhere else then include it but give credit to the source in your directions text on step 0. Also, make the recipe yourself and take images and videos along the way and write the ingredients and directions yourself in your own words. If you follow those steps then we can be good citizens in the world of recipe sharing.

  7. No objectionable content. What is objectionable content? Its hard to say, we’ll know it when we see it. Be reasonable, we have to review these things. Be nice to our eyes ;-)