
Regardless of how hard we try, foodie moiety is not perfect. So this is where we listen to you to see if we can improve on things where neccessary.

Please contact us regarding the following issues …

  • Bugs in the foodie moiety windows app or blog. You hate them, we hate them, let’s fix them. Please try to be specific about the problem. Where did it occurr in the app/site? What behavior did you observer that was unexpected? What behavior did you expect to happen?
  • Feature requests for the foodie moiety app or blog. We’re interested in what features you think would fit well in the app or blog. We try to stay focused on creating a great experience for making the cooking process and recipe file creation more efficient and asthetically pleasing. But maybe a lot of people agree that we are missing something important. That’s something we want to know about.
  • Objectionable content. What is it? Somebody once said you know it when you see it. That’s good enough for us. Anyone can use the app to create a recipe file and share that file however and wherever they like. We make recipe files available for download right here on and we encourage our users to submit recipes to this site. We take objectionable content very seriously and review any recipe submissions to make sure they meet our standards and guidelines. However, its always possible that circumstances beyound our control result in a file being compromised on, so its important that we hear from you if you see objectionable content in a recipe that you download from our site. Additionally, we want to hear from you if you have discovered objectionable content in a foodie moiety recipe file hosted on other sites. It could be that they are unaware of the problem. Regardless of the circumstances surrounding the publishing of objectionable content in a foodie moiety recipe file, we would appreciate knowing about it so we can do our best to address the issue.
  • Newsletter Unsubscribe. At the bottom of every newsletter is an “Unsubscribe Link” that will take you to a page where you can specify your newsletter subscription settings. You can opt out of the newsletter using that link or by sending an email to requesting to be removed from the list.