About foodie moiety

Hands FreeEditor

Lets get right to it shall we?

moiety [ moi-i-tee ] as defined by dictionary.com

  1. a half
  2. an indefinite portion, part, or share.

Its that second usage that suits us with regard to foodie moiety since one of the most useful features of the foodie moiety app is to re-use collections of steps in different recipes. We call those re-usable collections of steps “moiety”. Why? Because the definition fits mostly, but also because its a word borrowed from the world of chemistry, and what is cooking if not chemistry?! Also, its a great word if your trying to find an available internet domain name :-).

This website/blog is the companion to the foodie moiety app for Windows. Here you will find articles about cooking related stuff and free foodie moiety recipe files that you can download and use in the app. Individual recipes available on the site are free to download because, well because they are food recipes on the intenet! People expect them to be free. But the foodie moiety app is not free. It costs $10, and what’s worse is you need it to view the recipes.

You’re still here? Great! I know that last sentence was kind of rough so lets talk about why in the world you would want to pay for an app that lets you read a free recipe file when the internet is full of websites that let you read free recipes, umm … for free! Here’s why …

  • Full featured recipe viewer and editor. Foodie moiety is both a recipe viewer and full featured recipe editor that supports plain text, markdown, images, and video. So there is no excuse for creating a recipe that people can’t understand! You have all the media tools you need to explain how to do things. Sometimes words are the most efficient way to communicate an idea. Other times an image is worth a thousand words. And other times a short video is critical for showing how to accomplish something. You will find that here on foodiemoiety.com we are focused on creating recipes that are efficient and aesthetically pleasing. So we’ll use all the tools at the apps disposal to do that, including formatting text with markdown. There’s a lot of features to take advantage of so we have created a usage and guidelines page to help you along.

  • File based solution gives users flexibility. When you create a recipe in foodie moiety, the end result is a single file that you can do whatever you want with! You can share it with friends and family, you can host it on your own site. You can encrypt it. You can publish it to foodiemoiety.com. You can store it in a folder. Wait, back up one. You can publish it to foodiemoiety.com?

  • Publish to foodiemoiety.com! Here’s the thing, not everybody wants to create recipes. Some people just want to follow recipes that look good. Other people just want to get the cooking process over with as efficiently as possible without setting the kitchen on fire. So for those people we need some recipes that they can just load up and get to work with. We’re going to provide some of those ourselves here every month so be sure to sign up for the newsletter in the footer of this page! But what would be even better is if the creative types share their recipes here on foodiemoiety.com for the benefit of the other users. We make that easy to do. Just head to the “Upload Recipes” menu in the header of every page for an overview of the process and a list of useful guidelines when creating recipes both for yourself or to be published on foodiemoiety.com.

  • Re-use collections of steps. We call those “moiety” and if you’re one of those creative types, that can save you a lot of time.

  • Cook hands free! Foodie moiety is hands free when viewing recipes and trying to get things done in your kitchen! The app supports voice commands for all neccessary navigation when following a recipe, so you never have to stop and clean your hands to turn a page or touch your computer. Voice commands are handled on device so even if you lose your internet connection you can still continue to use the app hands free.

  • Easy editing. All foodie moiety recipe files are editable. So if you obtain a recipe file from a friend or from foodiemoiety.com or wherever else, you can easily modify the recipe for your own needs. The app also has a convenient “Save As” command to save your modified recipes to a different file without modifying the original recipe file.

  • Modern WinUI Windows App. foodie moiety is a Windows 11 desktop application developed with the latest Windows App SDK against the WINUI3 toolkit. As such it has the native look and performance of a modern Windows desktop application. But when you open the app, if you have a working internet connection, you are presented with a webview of foodiemoiety.com where you get the full functionality of this website as well. So you can download a recipe file from foodiemoiety.com and have it open automatically without leaving the app. You can also upload recipes and sign up for the newsletter or anything else you would do on the website other than puchase the app since you clearly already own it.

  • Create books! Not only can you create recipes, but you can create a book and add any existing recipes you have created to it and save it to its own file. That makes things more interesting because while people expect individual recipes to be free, many people are quite willing to buy a recipe book! So if you can create a recipe book with all the advantages of the foodie moiety app we think that’s a pretty good deal. We plan on making books available for purchase here on foodiemioety.com and we’re not keeping that functionality to ourselves. We’re going to let our users become authors!

  • Become an author on foodiemoiety.com! Here’s how it works. You can start publishing your recipes on foodiemoiety.com anonymously. We’ll have your contact info but if you would rather not identify yourself that is fine. After you have published three or more recipes you can request to become an author on the site. That way you will show up on our authors page (however you choose to identify yourself) and users can search for recipes created by you. As an author you can continue to publish free recipes under your author name OR you can make a book available for purchase on foodiemoiety.com! We’ll handle the ecommerce end of things through our Stripe checkout infrastructure and whenever a user purchases your book you get 85% of the profits, we take %15. It all happens automatically when we setup the book in Stripe checkout so your 85% percent profit gets deposited directly to your chosen bank account at the time of purchase. Sound fair? Of course, once you create a book, its just a file that you can do whatever you want with just like any other file you create with foodie moiety. So you can sell your own book online however you like, or give it away for free or whatever else you want to do with it.

  • Scales to your monitor! You can use foodie moiety on your laptop or setup a larger screen in your kitchen and view foodie moiety in full screen mode (Highly recommended). That way the text, video, and images all scale to the size of your monitor and are clearly visible from a distance. All you have to do is look up to see what’s next.

So that’s what you get for $10. The foodie moiety application does not have any built-in advertizing. We don’t charge for unlocking any features. Its completely possible that you could open a recipe file created by someone else and see an adversizement in one ore more of the steps but the application itself does not show any advertizing. Even if you just convert a few of your own recipes to the foodie moiety format and start using them hands free in your own kitchen to make the cooking process more efficient we think you will find foodie moiety to be a good deal for $10. So hit that “Get The App” button at the top of the page and lets get started!